| contemporary art | storytelling | community building

The exhibition was a part of the 5-month project WEBS (page under construction), an experience in horizontal learning and creation.
The project was divided into two stages:
In the first phase, participants attended weekly sessions for 3 months with guests from diverse fields and backgrounds to research and design decolonial perspectives in art and educational practices. Collaborators in the online stage included Lis Haddad, Lauren Donnison, Victoria Mazzia (FINE TV), Ernst Wagner, Avi Sooful (EVC Project), Johanna Sell, and People Beyond Borders.
In the second stage, each participant led a workshop, sharing their own interests and knowledge with the group. The participants gathered in person in Berlin to attend each other's sessions twice a week for nearly 2 months. Collaborators in the in-person stage were Counterpoints Arts, Give Something Back to Berlin, Moos Space, Refugio Cafe, Haus der Resources, Haus der Statistik, and People Beyond Borders.
From the workshop activities and reflections, the group created an exhibition to expand the rhizome of learning to an open community through artistic experiences.
"Fragments of Impermanence" took place simultaneously at:
Haus der Statistik
Otto-Braun-Straße 70-72, 10178 Berlin, Germany, from 20th to 24th June 2023, featuring collective installations and individual pieces developed through group research.
Refugio Cafe
Lenaustraße 4, 12047 Berlin, Germany, from 21st June to 21st July, showcasing individual pieces from the group.
The exhibition was a part of the Refugee Week Berlin program organized by CounterpointsArt in collaboration with Give Something Back to Berlin, Refugio Café, and People Beyond Borders.
Exposição desenvolvida em parceria com a cidade de Munique através do programa Ebenböckhaus - Artist in Residence Munich.
Artistas convidados: Isadora Canela, Lis Haddad, Thaís Machado
25 e 26 de junho /22
Ebenböckstrasse, 11 - Pasing, Munique



The opening event took place at the 20th of June 2023, the Refugee Day, at the iconic Haus der Statistik (click to know more of the political and historical importance of the building) and gathered more than 250 people. Hosted by CounterpointsArt in the context of Refugee Week Berlin, the event had the actress and performer Bruna Cunha presenting her research on embodying the freedom to flourish. The performance was accompanied by Elsa Cuissard on the piano, Bucky on the bass and Isadora Canela on her playable sculpture "in some drawer"

The opening event at Refugio Cafe took place at the 21th of June 2023, the longest day of the year with Féte de la Musique. The event hosted by Give Something Back to Berlin had a completely full house with diverse concerts, foods and drinks and a presentation of the project and the group to the audience.

Break to Create: sharing horizontal ecosystems
In this two days workshop inside the exhibition space the coordinators of the project (Elsa Cuissard, Isadora Canela and Thaís Paiva) invited the community to join the discussion on decolonisation and horizontality in learning and creative processes. From activities of embodyment and collective experimentation the groups were invited to cocreated other ecosystems.