| contemporary art | storytelling | community building
Isadora Canela?
Not today, pradox of existence. I have work to do.
My research is guided by the nuances and tensions between antagonisms and similarities reflecting on the common elements in the intangible of life. This path crosses the construction of contemporary identities and intimate memories, the understanding of the “self” and the “other”, goes through the debates on territory, borders, belonging, objectification and finds its seam in the interrelations between human, non-human life and the environment, physical and symbolic, that connect us. In this context, I’m specially interested about other possible narratives that can emerge from the perspective of proximity and affection.
Also in materiality my work is deeply related to the search for convergence, including in the use of materials and languages. Currently I am interested in bio-art and immersive experiences, uniting the organic, the sensorial body and the virtual world and digital technologies.
I come from Brumadinho, MG, Brazil, a region that is home to incredibly vivid and beautiful mountain landscapes and also some of the largest mineral exploration mines in the world. 3 years ago my town was devastated by one of the biggest human and environmental crimes of contemporaneity. There were 272 deaths, thousands of families and kilometres of devastation to flora and fauna. In this context my cultural and environmental heritage defines my point of view, my fears, hopes and brings the affection as a political position.

Isadora's professional experiences (CV)
Isadora Canela is a Brazilian visual artist and filmmaker with projects related to social and environmental impact. Since 2019 she’s developing, the project “À Sombra do Sol” (On the shadow of the Sun), a feature film in production by her about indigenous astronomical knowledge. In 2022 she worked with the city of Munich in partnership with Akademie of Fine Arts Munich, in the artistic residency “artist in residence Munich” with the installation project “Over the Mine” about the consequences of mining and researches about decolonisation of the soil. In 2021, she was part of the exhibition “Body and Self” in Berlin organi-sed by Counterpoints with the video-art “Tabula Rasa” reflecting on the organic elements that unites us as human beings. In the same year she was also part of instructional performance residency and exhibition "Coexistence Impacts” from Sesc Santana, São Paulo, Brazil, about new agreements in anthropocene era. In 2020, she directed the experimental and political video clip "Leviatã", which mixes technology and art by approaching the historical panorama of fake news to to denounce the serious abuses of power during the Bolsonaro government in Brazil and the Trump government in the US. In 2019, she directed the short documentary film “Linhas Tênues”, about labor analogous to slavery in the fashion industry, which has been shown at festivals around the world, such as LABFF and Demakijażt. She graduated with honor in Social Communication - Journalism at the Federal University of Viçosa in 2016.
phone: +5511 99252-5151